A Good Gift

Who are you listening to?
I got into a conversation with an old friend yesterday. We caught up on several things, share some good memories and shared a bit about our lives. One story he shared was about a friend, who I’ll call Julio. Recently, Julio and my friend met up for drinks. They had been doing that regularly. Julio is going through some changes in his life and my friend is a good listener. But, this time things were different. When they sat down Julio shared that he was going to be the listener this time. For over a hour he asked my buddy thoughtful questions and listened well to the answers. It was impactful.

Doesn’t that sound lovely? Someone willing to listen well you share with them where you’re coming from, what you’re considering, looking forward to, afraid of or challenged by? I suppose my buddy got that gift from Julio because he had been a good listener too. Sometimes the best gift we can give others is listening well.

Makes me wonder who I’m listening to these days?

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