Some time ago

The notion of dropping babies into the Nile River is so brutal. I read a story once of a Fire Fighter finding a baby abandoned in a dumpster. I suppose people are capable of all sorts of things and coming from all sorts of situations. We don’t get a clear picture, in the Scriptures, of how long that edict went on. Neither to we get a real picture of how many lives were lost. Too many whatever the count.

It’s a kind of weird thing to include in the narrative of God. It’s interesting the church hasn’t purged stories like that out of the Scriptures. Though it’s acknowledged as terrible, it’s not presented as a failure of God. People get frustrated, Moses included. But the people eventually rally around the God and he leads them away from their brutal enslavers.

This is the sort of thing we spoke a bit about Sunday: the presence of evil ought to not be surprising. Though we may find ourselves frustrated that God hasn’t intervened, evil’s presence doesn’t require some sort of divinity to explain. I can find evil in me.

But a baby, plucked from the Nile growing up to deliver slaves from masters. That is miraculous. Take hope this week. God is real, so miracles can still happen.

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