five good miles

I got in five miles this morning.
I have a five mile loop that I run at least twice a week.
I can make it around almost without thinking. I know where the half-way point is, where each little uphill section is, which trees I’ll have to duck under and where to watch out for the angry geese. I’ve learned it all by repetition and mistake.

This morning, as I crossed into the fourth mile I realized how drenched I was. It was not yet 7:30a, the sun was not all the way up, but the sweat and humidity clung to my clothes completely.

I loved it.

The exertion, isolation, event the sweat is so satisfying for me. I think part of the satisfaction comes from the commitment it requires. When it’s as hot as it is, you can’t just go half-way. You are all in. As you get a little tired you need to focus, you have to want to finish. It’s nice to have that level of focus and commitment. I don’t solo task nearly as much as i might. But I do when I run.

Jesus one time said that he doesn’t do anything he doesn’t see his Father doing. He walked away when the wanted to make him king, left the mountain of transfiguration to pursue his mission, and silently endured the kangaroo court that sentenced him to death. Jesus knew his mission and stuck to it.

It’s an enviable position that he was in. I wouldn’t want his mission, but I would like his clarity.

That’s part of what I’ve been asking for these days.

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